“Hint: Use your browsers back button to go back to the album selections”
All photographs and Video Clips within this Flare Photo Gallery are intended to be anonymous.
All photographs and Video Clips within are the copyright of Argo Flare Services & David Gold (both of the UK).
Offshore HP Flare & LP Flare Photographs
“a cost effective means of planning for your next TAR’s flare work”
Below are an assortment of aerial photographs and crops of the flares and ancillary equipment all taken during helicopter fly-by surveys.
[album id=2 template=compact]
Offshore Flare Booms, Towers and Flare Deck Photographs
“forewarned is forearmed”
Below are an assortment of helicopter fly-by survey photographs of supporting structures and equipment
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Photographs from where we have worked.
“Our clients rely on our service”
Below are photographs from locations that our engineers or photographer have been over the past years.
Offshore Platform Album Here (UK, Middle East, Far East World/Other) ?
Full Size Photographs of Offshore Flares, Flare Booms etc…
These photographs do not fit well within this photo gallery, due to their size. For this reason they have been linked to a second page.
These photographs are intended to give you a good understanding of what our photographer can achieve.
(the raw versions are far larger and are not available for download)
The Downloads are large, ~5MB to ~8MB for the jpeg versions
Why not send us your best flare photograph, and we will add it along with your credit and summary (anonymous if requested), or just let us know what you would like more of ? Please use our contacts page or email PS@argoflares.com along withit and a short description.